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Sermon Series March 3rd- March 24th
Jesus was called many things, liar, sinner, and heretic. Who does Jesus say he is? We will look at 4 different names Jesus gives himself, as we lead up to Easter.
Sermon Series January 28th- February 23rd
You probably have experienced and you may have caused. For 5 weeks we will walk through stories in the Bible about betrayal. We will learn about different types of betrayal and how God’s graces works through them.
Sermon Series January 7th- January 21st
Actions speak louder than words. It’s easy to give off the impression of good character without actually living it out. Let’s learn what true virtues are and live them out in the name of Jesus.
Sermon Series December 3rd- December 24th
This Christmas we will look at the birth of Jesus through the eyes of Mary. We will see her faithfulness, her trust in God and her endurance through the challenges she faced. There is much to be learned from the life of Mary.
Sermon Series November 19th- November 26th
Gratitude comes easily when things are going well, but how do we manage to be content during hard or lean times? This short series reminds us of the  importance of being able to thank God regardless of what you are going through.
Sermon Series October 15th- November 12th
What makes someone a great leader? In this series we will look at how Jesus lead and how to implement that into our lives. We are all leaders, at home, work, school and in our community.
Sermon Series September 17th- October 8th
Our vision is for people to Connect to God, to Others and their Mission. In this sermon series we are going to walk through what that looks like and how we are going to do it.
Sermon Series September 3rd- September 10th
Our culture is addicted to events. This has leaked in to the church where we think for a revival to happen it needs to be an event. Revival first starts with you personally. 
Sermon Series July 9th- August 27th
Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus is divided into six chapters of life-changing truth. Starting with Paul’s description of God’s salvation plan from the foundation of the world and leading all the way to the armor of God, there is great wisdom all throughout this letter. This eight-week series looks at the book of Ephesians.
Sermon Series June 4th- June 25th
“In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus is either going to a meal, at a meal, or coming from a meal.” Robert Karris We are going to look in the book of Luke at different meals Jesus had with others. At each meal he turned an ordinary meal into a life changing experience. We will learn how he did that and also how we have the opportunity to do the same.
Sermon Series May 14th- May 28th
A faith that stands the tests of life.

We are going to spend three weeks learning how to trust God. No matter what the world throws our way we want to trust God. We want to have a resilient faith
Sermon Series April 16th- May 7th
This must be stronger than that. As our world changes and society shifts we are called as followers of Jesus to resist the temptation to live in fear. The love of God must be stronger in us than the fears of the world. For the next 4 weeks are going to talk about different areas of our lives and how we must be stronger than the fear they cause. It is a beautiful resistance.
Sermon Series March 12th- April 9th
After Jesus rose from the grave he walked the earth for 40 days, in those 40 days he had many encounters. He encountered many different people, men, women, his disciples even those who didn’t believe, but they all walked away changed by Jesus. You too can encounter this Jesus.