The four values that believers need in their life to easily connect with
God, Others, and Mission:
Prayer, Worship, Community, and Mission.
A daily and personal conversation with God which shapes and changes us to be dependent on him.
Prayer is vital in the life of a follower of God, it’s our personal conversation with him. We pray so we may know God and become obedient to his plan for our life.
Worship is the intentional choice to acknowledge, honor, and submit to God with our thoughts, words, and deeds.
We are created to be worshipers. Worship can be an individual act, expressed thru things like Bible study, prayer, meeting others’ needs, or any number of everyday actions that we choose to use to glorify God and point others toward him. It’s also a corporate act, when the individual members of the church gather together as one body every Sunday to celebrate God’s work in our lives and to encourage each other to live on mission.
Building authentic Christian relationships while growing closer to God.
No one should do life alone and we are designed for relationships. We want everyone to be a part of a community where everyone is welcome, no one is perfect, and Jesus is discovered.
The average person has been given over 500 different skills and abilities from God. However, it is not about how many you have but what you do with what you have.
Each of us is called to use whatever gift God has given us to serve others.
This seminar will equip you with the information you need in order to take the “Next Step” in your faith to connect to God, Others, and Mission.
Click the link for more information!